5 Favourite Online Fashion Stores In Nigeria

Let’s face it, as working class Nigerian women sometimes going out to shop does not  fit into our modern contemporary life. Weekdays are spent at work and weekends for the most part, lying in and catching up with whatever is our guilty pleasures.
In the last couple of years there has been a sudden increase in fashion online stores in Nigeria.
See my favourite 5 online stores :
Style needs a considerable amount of investment and this website is the best place to arm yourself with the latest designer trends. This store is targeted at women who genuinely love fashion and want to keep with the latest trends.Here you can find African designer clothes, shoes and even lingerie. If you are woman that wants to look good and is not on budget,you are in luck because this store was made just for you.

Where are all my high street lovers. This website is for you.For all your favorite high street brands please run over to this site. The website has this air of luxury, a luxury you can definitely afford. The online store boosts of high street Nigerian brands as well as Uk brands.The store just teamed up with Genevieve magazine to create the pink boutique which is an exclusive sale for breast cancer charity. With free delivery in Lagos, you definitely want to give this store a try come pay day. .

Another high street store and undeniably one that offers best high street retail prices in Nigeria.This store is dedicated to bringing you the best of high street fashion to your footstep and they are doing just that by launching their online store which delivers to all 36 states. If you love the way the gorgeous model Zainab Balogun dresses besure to head off to this site as it is no secret she likes to shop there.

Popularly known all over Africa as Mr price ,this South African retailer has just saved you a trip to the mall. The prices are in sane! and you are sure to find just about anything. The store not only targets men and women prices but even children. For everyday clothing I would definitely recommend this fashion forward store.

Gtbank’s sme market hub allows different vendors to sell their items.If you are a woman that wants variety and is not afraid of too much options the market hub is the best place for you. The market place has every budget size in mind and you are sure to find what you are looking for.

Source - Woman NG